Bed Sheets Rental
Bed Sheets Rental
Why should you rent linens in conjunction with your check-out cleaning?
Being in the cleaning industry for over three decades has taught us that laundry services are one of the greatest expenditures of time and are rarely handled efficiently.
The initial approach is to get started laundering linens on-site. There are a few issues with this, as the scheduling rarely works out, and you end up paying for staff to wait for linens so they can finish making beds and setting out clean towels.
Having at least two sets of all linens is one method to address this issue. This can work, but there is a significant up-front cost, and as linens and towels become stained over time, sets rapidly become mismatched, which detracts from the overall presentation of the rental unit.
In addition to the high cost of electricity, water, and apparatus wear and tear, on-site laundry has additional hidden expenses.
What is the superior option?
Sheet rental services. Majordomo has spent tens of thousands of dollars on matching hotel-quality linens.
This enables us to allocate 2 sets per client’s rental and arrive on the appointed day with everything necessary to correctly stage and furnish the rental unit. Everything from the bed coverings to the towels to the tea towels in the kitchen.
How does it work?
You believe there may be a caveat, but there is none. The client pays one fee per turnover based on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the rental property. The fee covers the cost of all professional laundry services performed off-site, and the unit owners is responsible for any damages or missing linens.