Property Management

Property Management Services

Full Service Property Management for an Impeccable Home

Large house on hill

Majordomo Property Services can implement a routine to keep your spas clean and maintain the correct chemical levels so that you can enjoy them while you are in the Kelowna or Big White area. Property Services can maintain your home’s interior and exterior while you are present or absent. So that you can appreciate your time in the Okanagan to the utmost, our comprehensive array of services relieves you of the burden of maintaining your home, making bads, and repairing issues around the house.

Complete Hot Tub & Pool Maintenance

Majordomo Property Services can implement a plan to keep your spa clean and maintain the appropriate chemical levels so that your visitors can enjoy it while they are in the Kelowna or Big White area.

Cleaning Services for an Immaculate Home

It is much more pleasurable for clients to arrive at a clean and well-kept rental property than to encounter dirt and grime that has accumulated during rental use or absence. Majordomo Property Services can thoroughly clean your home’s interior and implement a routine cleaning schedule so that your home is perpetually clean without any hassle.

Handyman, Restoration & Renovation Services

Whether you are present or absent, problems with your property will inevitably arise. Majordomo Property Services is capable of identifying issues and resolving them during the offseason or season emergencies so that the property is in functioning order for the season.

Dependable Snow Removal

Whether you would like your driveway cleared for you to save time in your busy mornings or want to create the appearance that you are home, Majordomo Property Services can establish a regular snow removal routine according to your request.


Majordomo Property Services